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plotvertmap() plots a map of the supplied vertebrae, optionally adding colors, marks, and text to identify existing and estimated features of the vertebrae.


  type = "count",
  bps = NULL,
  modelsupport = NULL,
  criterion = "aic",
  model = 1,
  bpvar = NULL, = NULL,
  sd.col = "black",
  dropNA = FALSE,
  text = FALSE,
  name = NULL,
  centraL = NULL,
  reg.lim = NULL,
  lim.col = "black",
  block.cols = NULL,
  block.lim = NULL



a regions_data, regions_pco, or regions_sim object; the output of a call to process_measurements(), svdPCO(), or simregions(), respectively.


string; the labeling of the x-axis of the plot. Either "count" to identify the vertebra index (or absolute position when centraL is supplied) or "percent" to identify the percent vertebra count (or percent total length when centraL is supplied). Abbreviations allowed. Default is "count".


an optional vector containing the region breakpoints. One of bps, modelsupport, or bpvar should be specified to display regions breakpoints. See Details.


an optional regions_modelsupport object; the output of a call to modelsupport(). One of bps, modelsupport, or bpvar should be specified to display regions breakpoints. See Details.


string; the criterion to use to select the best model for which breakpoints are to be displayed when modelsupport is specified. Ignored otherwise. Allowable options include "aic" to use the AICc and "bic" to use the BIC. Abbreviations allowed. Default is "aic".


numeric; from which model among the best as determined by criterion should breakpoints be selected when modelsupport is supplied. Ignored otherwise. 1 is the best model, 2 the second best, etc. Default is 1.


an optional regions_BPvar object; the output of a call to calcBPvar(). One of bps, modelsupport, or bpvar should be specified to display regions breakpoints. See Details.

an optional vector of the standard deviations of the breakpoints (e.g., as calculated by calcBPvar()). When bpvar is supplied, the weighted standard deviations are used.


when is specified, the color of the mark on plot indicating the standard deviations. Default is black.


logical; when some vertebrae are missing, e.g., due to subsampling or starting the analysis at a vertebra beyond the first, whether to remove the missing vertebrae from the plot (TRUE) or retain them and label them as missing (i.e., lacking a region) (FALSE). Default is FALSE to retain them.


logical; whether to print the vertebra index on each vertebra. Default is FALSE.


an optional string containing a label used on the left side of the plot.


an optional numeric vector containing centrum length for each vertebra, which is used to change the size of the plotted vertebrae, or a string containing the name of the variable in the original dataset containing centrum length. Should be of length equal to the number of included vertebrae (i.e., the length of the original dataset). Any vertebrae with centrum length of 0 will be omitted.


a vector of breakpoints indicating other region limits, e.g., anatomic regions.


when reg.lim is specified, the color of the lines separating the regions. Default is black.


when breakpoints are specified (i.e., using bps, modelsupport, or bpvar) and block.lim is not specified, a vector of color names or hex codes, one for each region. If not specified, RColorBrewer::brewer.pal() with name = "paired" will be used to generate colors. When block.lim is specified, a named list of vectors of color names or hex codes. See Details.


a vector of breakpoints indicating the limits of traditional regions, which will be colored using block.cols. See Details.


A ggplot object that can be manipulated using ggplot2 syntax.


plotvertmap() uses ggplot2::geom_rect() to create the plot. The plots are best viewed with a short height and a long width.

Specifying breakpoints:

There are three ways to specify regions in plotvertmap(). First is to supply the vector of breakpoints directly to bps. Second is to supply a regions_modelsupport object to modelsupport. When supplied, the criterion and model arguments can be used to select which of the sets of breakpoints in the object is to be used. model selects which breakpoint model is to be used (1 for first best, 2 for second best, etc.), and criterion determines which criterion (AICc or BIC) is used to rank the models. Third is to supply regions_BPvar object to bpvar. The weighted average breakpoints will be used after rounding (e.g., a weighted average breakpoint of 3.3 will place vertebrae 1, 2, and 3 in a region, and a weighted average breakpoint of 3.9 will place vertebrae 1, 2, 3, and 4 in a region).

Using block.cols:

When block.lim is specified, block.cols must be specified as a list of vectors of colors, with an entry for each "block". Blocks are predefined regions separate from those specified using the above arguments, e.g., traditional regions. For each region, the most common block is found and assigned to that region. A color of that block as supplied in block.cols is used to color that region. So, each block needs as many colors as there are regions assigned to it. For example, if regions 1 and 2 are both assigned to block 1 (i.e., because block 1 is the most common block in those regions), the entry in block.cols for that block must have (at least) 2 colors. If an incorrect number of colors per block is supplied, an error will be thrown identifying which blocks are lacking colors. See Examples.



alligator_data <- process_measurements(alligator,
                                       pos = "Vertebra")

# Compute PCOs
alligator_PCO <- svdPCO(alligator_data)

# Plot vertebral map with specified breakpoints
            type = "percent",
            name = "Alligator",
            bps = c(8, 15, 19),
            text = TRUE)

# Fit segmented regression models for 1 to 7 regions
# using PCOs 1 to 4 and a continuous model with a
# exhaustive search
regionresults <- calcregions(alligator_PCO,
                             scores = 1:4,
                             noregions = 7,
                             minvert = 3,
                             cont = TRUE,
                             exhaus = TRUE,
                             verbose = FALSE)

# For each number of regions, identify best
# model based on minimizing RSS
bestresults <- modelselect(regionresults)

# Evaluate support for each model and rank models
supp <- modelsupport(bestresults)

# Plot vertebral map with breakpoints corresponding to
# best segmented regression model as determined by
# AICc
            type = "percent",
            name = "Alligator",
            modelsupport = supp,
            model = 1,
            criterion = "aic",
            text = TRUE)

# Plot vertebral map with breakpoints corresponding to
# best segmented regression model as determined by
# AICc, using centrum length to size vertebrae
            name = "Alligator",
            modelsupport = supp,
            model = 1,
            criterion = "aic",
            centraL = "CL",
            text = TRUE)

# Compute Akaike-weighted location and SD of optimal
# breakpoints using top 10% of models with 4 regions
bpvar <- calcBPvar(regionresults, noregions = 5,
                   pct = .1, criterion = "aic")

#Using weighted BPs and SDs from calcBPvar()
plotvertmap(alligator_PCO, name = "Dolphin",
            bpvar = bpvar,
            text = TRUE)