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calcregions() enumerates all possible combinations of breakpoints to fit multivariate segmented regression models. addregions() adds models with additional numbers of regions to the resulting output object. ncombos() computes an upper bound on the number of breakpoint combinations that will be tested.


  minvert = 3,
  cont = TRUE,
  exhaus = TRUE,
  includebp = NULL,
  omitbp = NULL,
  ncombos_file_trigger = 1e+07,
  temp_file_dir = tempdir(TRUE),
  cl = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE

  exhaus = TRUE,
  ncombos_file_trigger = 1e+07,
  temp_file_dir = tempdir(TRUE),
  cl = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE

# S3 method for class 'regions_results'
summary(object, ...)

ncombos(pco, noregions, minvert = 3, includebp = NULL, omitbp = NULL)



a regions_pco object; the output of a call to svdPCO().


numeric; the indices of the PCO scores to use as the outcomes in fitting the models (e.g., 1:4 to use the first four scores). Can also be the output of a call to PCOselect().


numeric; for calcregions(), the maximum number of regions for which models are fit (e.g, 4 to request models with 1 to 4 regions); for addregions(), a vector containing the numbers of regions to add (e.g., 5:6 to request models with 5 and 6 regions); for ncombos(), a vector containing the numbers of regions to check.


numeric; the minimum number of vertebrae allowed in each region. Default is 3.


logical; whether to fit models that are continuous (TRUE) or discontinuous (FALSE) at the breakpoints. Default is TRUE.


logical; whether to fit all possible models (TRUE) or use heuristics to reduce the number of models fit (FALSE). Default is TRUE. See Details. Setting to FALSE can reduce the size of the resulting object.


an optional vector of vertebrae that must be included in any tested set of breakpoints, e.g., if it is known that two regions are divided at that vertebra. includebp does not have to obey the minvert rules, but a warning will be thrown if it doesn't.


an optional vector of vertebrae to be omitted from the list of possible breakpoints, e.g., if it is known that two adjacent vertebrae belong to the same region.


numeric; when the number of eligible combinations of breakpoints exceeds this number, the problem will be split into smaller problems, with the results of each stored in its own temporary file in the directory supplied to temp_file_dir before being re-read into memory. The primary purpose of this is to preserve memory when exhaus = FALSE by delegating storage of the results to disk instead of RAM.


string; the directory where the temporary files will be saved (and then deleted) when the number of breakpoint combinations exceeds ncombos_file_trigger. Default is the directory produced by tempdir(), but it is much safer to provide your own directory, which must already exist on your machine. See Details.


a cluster object created by parallel::makeCluster(), an integer to indicate number of child-processes (integer values are ignored on Windows) for parallel evaluations, or "future" to use a future backend. NULL (the default) refers to sequential evaluation (no parallelization). See pbapply::pbapply() for details.


logical; whether to print information about the fitting process, including a progress bar. Default is TRUE.

regions_results, object

a regions_results object; the output of a call to calcregions() or addregions().




A regions_results object with the following components:

  • results - the results of the fitting process for each combination of breakpoints

  • stats - statistics summarizing the fitting process. Use summary() to view this information in a clean format.

ncombos() returns a numeric vector with the number of breakpoint combinations for each number of regions (which are stored as the names).


calcregions() enumerates all possible combinations of breakpoints that satisfy the constraint imposed by minvert (i.e., that breakpoints need to be at least minvert vertebrae apart) and fits the segmented regression models implied by each combination. These are multivariate regression models with the PCO scores specified by scores as the outcomes. When cont = TRUE, these regression models are continuous; i.e., the regression lines for each region connect at the breakpoints. Otherwise, the models are discontinuous so that each region has its own intercept and slope. The models are fit using, which efficiently implements ordinary least squares regression.

When exhaus = FALSE, heuristics are used to reduce the number of models to fit, which can be useful for keeping the size of the resulting object down by avoiding fitting models corresponding to breakpoint combinations that yield a poor fit to the data. Only breakpoint combinations that correspond to the breakpoints of the best fitting model with a smaller number of regions +/- 3 vertebrae are used, and only models that have an RSS smaller than half a standard deviation more the smallest RSS are kept.

addregions() should be used on an existing regions_results object to add models with more regions. Internally, it works just the same as calcregions().

ncomobs() computes an upper bound on the number of possible breakpoint combinations. When exhaus = FALSE or includebp is specified, the actual number of combinations will be smaller than that produced by ncombos().

When the number of possible combinations of breakpoints for a given number of regions (as computed by ncombos()) is larger than ncombos_file_trigger, the problem will be split into smaller problems, with the results of each stored in temporary files that are deleted when the function completes. These temporary files will be stored in the directory supplied to temp_file_dir. By default, this is the temporary directory produced by tempdir(). However, this directory can be deleted by R at any time without warning, which will cause the function to crash, so it is a good idea to supply your own directory that will be preserved. You can use ncombos() to check to see if the number of breakpoint combinations exceeds ncombos_file_trigger.

See also

calcmodel() to fit a segmented regression model for a single set of breakpoints; modelselect() to select the best model for each number of regions based on RSS; modelsupport() to compute statistics the describe the support of the best models; calcBPvar() to compute the variability in the optimal breakpoints.



alligator_data <- process_measurements(alligator,
                                       pos = "Vertebra")

# Compute PCOs
alligator_PCO <- svdPCO(alligator_data)

# Fit segmented regression models for 1 to 5 regions
# using PCOs 1 to 4 and a continuous model with a
# non-exhaustive search
regionresults <- calcregions(alligator_PCO,
                             scores = 1:4,
                             noregions = 5,
                             minvert = 3,
                             cont = TRUE,
                             exhaus = FALSE,
                             verbose = FALSE)

#> A `regions_results` object
#>  - number of PCOs used: 4 
#>  - number of regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
#>  - model type: continuous 
#>  - min vertebrae per region: 3 
#>  - total models saved: 85 
#> Use `summary()` to examine summaries of the fitting process.

# View model fitting summary
#>  Regions Possible Tested Saved Comp. method Saving method
#>        1        1      1     1   Exhaustive           All
#>        2       17     17    17   Exhaustive           All
#>        3      105    105    17   Non-exhaus          SD/2
#>        4      286    237    24   Non-exhaus          SD/2
#>        5      330    323    26   Non-exhaus          SD/2

# Add additional regions to existing results,
# exhaustive search this time
regionresults <- addregions(regionresults,
                            noregions = 6:7,
                            exhaus = TRUE,
                            verbose = FALSE)

#> A `regions_results` object
#>  - number of PCOs used: 4 
#>  - number of regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 
#>  - model type: continuous 
#>  - min vertebrae per region: 3 
#>  - total models saved: 218 
#> Use `summary()` to examine summaries of the fitting process.

#>  Regions Possible Tested Saved Comp. method Saving method
#>        1        1      1     1   Exhaustive           All
#>        2       17     17    17   Exhaustive           All
#>        3      105    105    17   Non-exhaus          SD/2
#>        4      286    237    24   Non-exhaus          SD/2
#>        5      330    323    26   Non-exhaus          SD/2
#>        6      126    126   126   Exhaustive           All
#>        7        7      7     7   Exhaustive           All

# Fit segmented regression models for 1 to 5 regions
# using PCOs 1 to 4 and a discontinuous model with a
# exhaustive search, excluding breakpoints at vertebrae
# 10 and 15
regionresults <- calcregions(alligator_PCO,
                             scores = 1:4,
                             noregions = 5,
                             minvert = 3,
                             cont = FALSE,
                             omitbp = c(10, 15),
                             verbose = FALSE)

#> A `regions_results` object
#>  - number of PCOs used: 4 
#>  - number of regions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 
#>  - model type: discontinuous 
#>  - min vertebrae per region: 3 
#>  - omitted breakpoints: 10, 15 
#>  - total models saved: 385 
#> Use `summary()` to examine summaries of the fitting process.

#>  Regions Possible Tested Saved Comp. method Saving method
#>        1        1      1     1   Exhaustive           All
#>        2       15     15    15   Exhaustive           All
#>        3       78     78    78   Exhaustive           All
#>        4      165    165   165   Exhaustive           All
#>        5      126    126   126   Exhaustive           All

# Compute the number of breakpoint combinations for given
# specification using `ncombos()`; if any number exceeds
# the value supplied to `ncombos_file_trigger`, results
# will temporary be stored in files before being read in and
# deleted.
        noregions = 1:8,
        minvert = 3)
#>   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 
#>   1  17 105 286 330 126   7   0